
Occupy Freedom: It's Now Or Never.

Let's Revolt

So this blog post is a continuation of a facebook status I made last night. More and more I'm noticing the shifting tides of our society and how dangerously close we are to the end. I've always believed 2012 wouldn't be the end of the world but the end of the end of "freedom" as we know it. If you don't see it now I don't know that you ever will. There are a bunch of things on my mind in regards to this coming loss of freedom so I'm going to touch on a few starting with the Occupy movement

 The first thing I want to make clear is Occupy Wallstreet will be looked back on in one of two ways. One of which being it hailed as the movement that saved society and the other being the movement which was the last stand in defense of our freedom. Nothing less. The medias portrayal of occupy has been absolutely disgusting. It has been covered as nothing but an annoyance and disruptive act when in reality it has been a peaceful demonstration of our rights to assembly and protest. I don't care how many businesses and people are inconvenienced by the masses, understand that the REAL soldiers of America's past and REAL american citizens fought the powers of other countries and internal powers for this freedom. WHO ARE YOU to try telling people they can't fight for their rights now? Enlighten me.
In today's society we have all of our priorities misconstrued. The thing that bothers me most when it comes to Occupy are the people who comment on it with NO knowledge whatsoever. Seriously before you open your mouth think for one second, how much news media do you consume daily, espn and mtv do not count. Think about how many hours you spend watching television and on facebook and tumblr and then compare it to how much news you watch. Do you understand now why our society has become a joke and so easy to take advantage of? They can get away with things without even having to cover it up because we simply do not watch or pay attention to as much news as we should.  Anyway respect the Occupy movement and the people who are fighting for our rights. They are doing the things necessary for all of YOUR benefit. 99% is a big number, I'm pretty sure no matter how much it may annoy you, you ARE APART of the 99% whether you like it or not. Understand that we all are on the same team.

 This image should tell you all you need to know about Occupy, our government and police force. The thing that makes me so angry is how we, ALL OF US, can sit back and watch innocent people get tortured and attacked for no reason and not want to do something. Is it okay for innocient peaceful protestors to get maced? Is it okay for people to be wrongfully arrested for simply standing around a park? Is it okay for people to get bloodied and bashed by police without cause? How far as a society have we fallen that we take these things as the norm and accept it? Have we lost all sense of morality and  understanding of justice

Another issue that has annoyed me is how utterly disgusting the mayor has been in his pursuit of protecting his wall street investments through his attempts to disrupt the protest. Despite a COURT ORDER that allowed zuccati park protestors to return with their tents (that were STOMPED on and RIPPED from the ground) the police were still out barring the protestors in RIOT gear. IS our society really based on instilling fear? Why do we have to worry about being physically assaulted for peacefully gathering? Its disgusting and people need to wake up.

Why has it taken us so long to see this? It has been blatantly clear that we live in a no party system, not a 2/3 party system the media and government tries proclaiming we have. In the end the middle and lower classes always gets screwed. Promises that used to deliver change are now nothing more than election advertising. We no longer control our fates. We give power to those who constantly abuse and mistreat it. Think about it, can you name a president in the last couple of decades who have done anything to prove what they've promised? Obama was one of the most hailed elected officials since J.F.K and yet is now described to have only pushed the economy into further debt and misery. Yes we can?


Now if the whole media dismissal of occupy and police brutality wasn't enough I introduce to you Protect IP and SOPA act.  Basically this is the introduction of online censorship. Wait, last I checked I thought we lived in the United States... when did we relocate to China? Did we make the switch to Communism too? What am I missing? Is this a fucking joke? Now every bullshit act like this has to be done in a manner which doesn't expose its true bullshit off the bat so of course they described that these acts would strictly be for the music and movie industries to stop piracy. We all know that once something is developed its almost never used for its initial purpose. Especially when the music and movie industry already have many ways of going about this through various other acts. Also, who the fuck cares? In the midst of our economy and global state should our attention really be focused on people who download music and movies? Lets be real. This is about the beginning of the end. This is their attempt to online censorship. It has already been broadcasted from police officers and elected officials such as Bloomberg as their dislike towards social media networks such as facebook and tumblr in their role of spreading the Occupy movement. ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS? Your platform towards pro online censorship is the fact that you dislike the spread of a peaceful movement demonstrating whatever is left of our constitutional rights? Whatever happened to the government works for the people. We live in a society that has forgotten that. Our country and values are based on overthrowing a corrupt government. The millions of people around the country who have gathered in occupy movements can't all be wrong, what's different now is that the government has gotten too power hungry and full of themselves.

Now I'm sure something as stupid as this can never be passed ( let's hope). What bothers me is that it is still extremely disrespectful and mind boggling that they're even taking serious consideration into the matter. It's a slap in the face. Point. Blank. Period. It's comparable to asking the teacher if you can cheat on the test if you don't tell anyone else. SLAP. Sounds stupid but thats how it should sound, its exactly what the censorship acts sound like.

This video sums it all up. Too frustrated to continue writing as of right now but there will be more to come. As of now please follow what is going on and do not be the sheep our media has turned many of us into. Prove that we the people are the one who will dictate our futures. Do not just hand it away.




So I've finally gotten some time to blog some more. I can't wait to get into this one. Facebook. The very word strikes thousands of feeling into people upon hearing. Used by millions, loved by many, hated by..... many.

No way to really start this post off without just jumping into it so here goes. People...STFU. Nothing is more annoying than people who constantly complain about facebook. If you have one and you don't like it delete it. And NO that doesn't mean deactivate it and turn it back on in a week and bring your complaining ass back for the rest of us to hear. If you're serious about your hatred and lack of need for it than here is how you delete it. Not only do you deactivate it, you are going to goto change password, then you when it asks you to type a new one you're going to close your eyes and click random buttons. (If it asks you to retype just copy and paste) There now it is gone forever unless you are one of those fronters who try acting cool by saying you hate Facebook but secretly rely on it daily.

Quick sidebar: If you make a status saying good night Facebook or that you're going somewhere, GO!!!!!! why are you making 15 more statuses afterward. STFU. 

Next issue. Facebook, twitter and tumblr are all social media outlets. Outlets meaning outlets of information. Information we then post. We post information as we receive it. So logically when a popular or important event or controversial event occurs we will then use those outlet tools to pass on information. That is one of the PURPOSES of these outlets. So stop complaining when a million people are posting about the VMA's or about whats going on in a popular TV show series. Yes it may be irritating when all you see is statuses about it because you don't need to hear the same thing from every person but who are you to be upset at any individual for posting something that others are all posting?  You can't get mad at any one person because they are all doing it independently. Other than trying to explain this logically just learn to deal with it. It's nothing new and yet people always keep complaining. You being angry by it DOESN'T MEAN SHIT. You think your voice is going to overpower everyone else's? No. So why bother? If it upsets you that much look at my intro on how you should delete your facebook. Thanks.

Since I mentioned popular TV shows earlier I'm going to address that in this post too. This post is about Facebook but I might as well include it because what bothers me is the reactions on Facebook so here we go.

Jersey Shore is one of the most popular shows in recent years. And this is a fact not an opinion. It's backed by ratings and the sheer amount of money being given to these people and the fact that it has lasted 4 seasons. One of the things I've noticed on Facebook that it is becoming increasingly popular to hate on things people like just to try to look like they are being an un-comformist. NO. It isn't working. You're still being a conformist for trying to take part in that group of haters. Those who truly don't like it would be apathetic and wouldn't say anything of it. Go get something better to do with your life than to sit there and complain about people who enjoy a show thats entertaining. You are not einstein for realizing the show is totally stupid. If you hadn't already realized ....that IS what makes the show interesting and worth watching. People like watching other people be stupid. It's just a fact. Stop acting like you're all high and mighty with strict standards of television watching because I'm not buying it. Entertainment is entertainment no matter what form it comes in. And I'm sure there are shows these people like that others would think are just as stupid, they just choose to vilify Jersey Shore and shows like it because it its immense popularity. It's easy to target something like that. You're really not impressing anybody with your critiques. 


21st Century Holocaust: Globalization

If I’m a Conspiracy Theorist, You’re a Coincidence Theorist. 

2012, NWO, Obama, Globalization, Illuminati, One world Government, Middle East
Say what you will…I’m sure you probably already have anyhow, but the Mayan Doomsday clock has been on the minds of many. Especially now because the “doomsday” is coming. I am in no way criticizing those who truly believe in it because I believe in many conspiracies myself. The only people I would criticize are the ones who use this as nothing more than a joke and pop culture reference, or source of getting attention. My own perception of 2012 is that it is not a doomsday for humanity but rather a dramatic change in the way we live. 

There are conspiracy theorists who talk about the Obama Deception ( pretty interesting, don’t dare to criticize it if you have not watched all the videos and read the research. If you don’t have time to look into something, you do not have rights to speak about it. Don’t agree? Suck one. 

Anyway, to describe it in a very simplistic way, is that many of the presidents we have had are indifferent in terms of objectives despite political party. To go along with that they believe there was a concerted effort to use Obama as a vehicle that would capture public appreciation and support after the series of “bad” presidents we have had in order to get away with certain things. Looking at it from a non conspiracy standpoint it makes just as much sense. It’s true isn’t it? Can you name another time in recent history when a president had as much support as Obama did when he was elected. Sure that has gone down significantly now but I’m getting to that. The point the videos illustrate is that the deed has been done and is irreversible. Many people overlooked actions Obama actually planned to take because they were blinded by his character and that he would be the first black president and that he was the voice of the people and blah blah. 
I’m getting a little unorganized with my thoughts here but whatever. Throwing out thoughts and you can piece them together. 

Globalization. NWO: New World Order.

How different the two terms are. Globalization, the formal word. The word idiotic people take as acceptable. New World Order, a term laughed at when viewed in light of conspiracy. The belief is that there is a concerted effort to create a one world government. I am disgusted to live in a society today that has been so brainwashed, to live in a society that things this notion is okay because it is described as “globalization”. Understand that this is no different from those evil characters in cartoons who wanted to take over the world. Actually, how about real people, Hitler, Stalin, Napoleon, Obama? Pro globalizers are ignorant plain and simple. The fact is no matter how much opportunity you provide people you are an exploiter. The ideal of true globalization only works if you raise lower level economies but to truly do that those at the top must come down. There is no way that will ever happen. Our society has grown so greedy and egotistical, it is literally impossible. We think too highly of ourselves to bring down our own level of prosperity to help others.

The true notions of globalization is to EXPLOIT. Other notions are to remove culture. Remove religion. IT is already happening. English is the main international language. There are pushes to create a one world currency. The U.S has thousands of military bases around the world. WHY!? WHY IS THIS OKAY? Pro globalizers believe it is necessary to remove cultural barriers. Who is to say that our culture and language and systems are best and must be used over others? The reason people are so blind is because this is all happening very strategically over time. Sure language isn’t that big of an issue, but what happens when freedom of religion comes into light? That won’t happen? How about you take a look into how Islam is being attacked on a daily basis in society and now even in law making. ( Sharia Law issue, google it.) 

Middle East
Another quick little thought, It is my personal belief that the revolutions and uprisings in the middle east are of no coincidence. This is hard for me to say what I am going to say because I am muslim and I support all of the people in their struggles but I always look at the bigger picture. I think even this has western support in lights of their globalization mission. These uprisings are creating instability in these muslim countries. Democracy is obviously being advocated and sought after. Although I support their notion for wanting freedom I criticize them for being naive. They are merely switching their imperialism from one form to another. True democracy does not exist anymore . It is a fact. They are seeking what we have, but we are enslaved as well. People just don’t want to think so. In my opinion I liked their system before despite the corruption and lack of freedoms because it posed an opposition to this monster than has become U.S globalization. The muslim nations were on of the biggest non “democracy” regions that posed some challenge to western globalizers. With this soon to no longer be the case, I fear for the future. 

2012 Connection
This is where my notions of what 2012 will mean starts to come in. I believe 2012 isn’t the end of the world but is the end of freedom as we know it. There will be a transition. I believe this is when “democracy” will take over the world and globalization will finally take effect. This is the beginning of the end. The disparity between rich and poor will never be greater. Imagine life with a one world government. Imagine the whole world left to one group of authorities. Just because it is the United States does not make it okay. Imagine if another country had military bases all over the world and you no longer have your own political powers for support against ideas you do not like. You are now powerless. The fact is NO MATTER WHAT, when a country has no fear of any others only corruption can emerge. This is also why I am against denuclearization of countries. Crazy? NO, why don’t you think about it for a second. Corruption has always been managed through checks and balances. Nuclear weapons in many regards are these checks and balances for the United States. It is a threat and they do not feel comfortable knowing something can be done to stop them. 

People do not like to think about things I have mentioned in this post despite its merit because it is a very pessimistic view on life. What can we do. We are merely pawns in this gigantic game of chess being played by the Illuminati and media. It all lies in perception. I am a strong believer in awareness. Awareness is a very powerful tool we can try to control. If we can just get more people to open their eyes and have the balls to question things we will have hope. Stop letting people who call you crazy or stupid when you talk about the idea of conspiracies bring you down. Are you really stupid because you knowledge of alternative sides of stories? Does that make sense, you know the side of the story the person criticizing you knows AND another side. Logically that makes the other person stupid if they want to play that game. Knowledge does not hurt. I am not telling everyone to jump on board and believe in the Illuminati and NWO like me, but I want people to at least open their hard headed minds to possibilities. Open yourself to researching alternative truths and make your own opinion on the issue. STOP LETTING PEOPLE TELL YOU WHAT THE “TRUTH” IS! God have you a mind, use it. If you don’t, you’re just making it that much easier for the media to take advantage of you. 

For me, I find that even spreading awareness has become too difficult. The media has already brainwashed people into widespread ignorance. I leave my faith in the hands of Allah. God wiling things will work themselves out.

This is the 21 first century version of the holocaust, whether you believe it or not.