Protest? Nothing to Fear

To be totally honest, I strongly oppose protests. No, actually I oppose mainstream protests. Protests no longer strike fear into public officials or law enforcement, but rather are nothing more than a staged event. They are now organized and protected by the very people who the protests may be against. Most protests nowadays are simply laughable. In all seriousness, protests do not fit the times. Events that have been taking place in our world today are probably the sickest we have seen in our countries history and yet we have not progressed in our power to state our views against it. We are moving in the wrong direction. History has shown us when things got out of hand and we started to lose agency, more drastic measures would take place such as riots and revolutions. Those in power were kept in check due to the constant reminder that they could be over taken at any point in time. Now lets try applying this to todays issues. Can anyone honestly say that they can picture a revolution in today's society? It would truly be a cold day in hell when something of that magnitude would ever be allowed today, we all live under the pointed guns of authority, fear is systematically instilled in every last one of us. This however, did not come without warning. Without going too in depth, Karl Marx had somewhat prophetically predicted the state of todays society all those years ago. He had a belief that society under capitalism would collapse and when it did that was when people needed to come together and revolt against the flawed economic system. He said there would be an event where people would be pushed to their limits, a society where poverty would reach millions. Something early advocates of capitalism mocked and said was impossible. Then the Great Depression happened. The exact thing Marx spoke of, only think he did not foresee is the level of brainwashing capitalism produced. We no longer fought for our rights and did not have that massive revolution. This was an act of enabling. This was the beginning of the end quite frankly. Ever since then we have lived under capitalism with both its success and its failures and a side effect of this has been our weakened voices in the public domain. Although protests are good natured and may be backed by true motivation for wanting change, I just feel we are simply at the point where it is powerless and a new method must be developed, what may that method be? You tell me.
Drinking for the Sake of Drinking

Okay so this might not be my most popular post but I'm going to do it anyway,haha. I understand why people drink, it is a good ice breaker , you get more loose, people have more fun, alright, that is not my problem. What I don't get is why people just drink drinks that taste like dog shit and coffee mixed just for the sake of saying they could do it. Does this make you more of a man, if so you got it. All i'm saying is the drink should taste good no matter what the purpose is for, if you want to get fcuked up, why not get fcuked up and have your mouth be happy. I don't know, maybe this is a me thing but yeah, I just don't like dog shit coffee, sue me.
Florida Church Plans "Quran Burning Day" on 9/11

The title says it all. There is so much I want to say about this issue but in all seriousness I do not feel like getting all angry about this issue once again. I needed to get one thing off my chest though, it it wasn't already blatantly obvious about how disrespectful and unjust this 'event' is I will explain why. All those who defend this ridiculously idiotic 'demonstration' try utilizing legality in its defense. They say why shouldn't they be allowed to burn it, its perfectly legal. My concern isn't with the legality of it. Things in life are not so black and white that just because it is legal that it should be allowed. Where did morality and ethics go? I didn't realize we memorized the laws word for word. Why is that not mandatory? Because we are all born with common sense and the ability to interpret law. So to all those who are arguing this should be allowed simply because it is legal is very pathetic in my opinion. The larger issue here is that there already is this large perception is Islam the religion being connected to terrorism which is a huge misconception perpetuated by the media. So if we are to bring up law, how about freedom of religion? How hypocritical is it to defend such acts with laws when this surely is a demonstration against this basic freedom? The people who support this movement plan on burning Qurans which are holy Muslim books and it is a supposed movement statement against terrorism. People with common sense understand just how stupid this is. Why? Because since when did an entire religion become terrorist extremists? Answer it never did, so why make an example of a few by burning a book billions find sacred? Racism in this country is getting to scary levels, it is the new fad to be racist against Muslims. More and more bigots are blatantly stating they're illogical views without fear of consequence . The world we live in...
"All men are the same"

Here we go, so quite honestly, most of my friends are girls, so just from hanging out I hear a lot of what girls talk about. And nothing is more awkward when they start talking about how bad every guy is, haha. You know what, this is hard to get upset about because they're not totally wrong. Theres a lot of guys out there who love being assholes, but this isn't where the story ends. It's just a fact that girls go for guys who are like this so you really ought to stop complaining. There are many guys out there who would actually care about you and wouldn't cheat at first chance. I know because i'm one of those guys. No girl will ever understand just how many guys there really are out there that are fucked up and would drop you in a second, this is something you'd only know from just being with the guys. So why am I different? I feel like no matter how many girls a guy can get from cheating or being an asshole, they'll never understand what I have. I mean it does go both ways, I'll never know how they feel but I know in the long run they might just end up alone , I'd rather have someone I've been with for years. Some girls need to realize that friendship is the best way to start a relationship, my girl was my best friend, some people think that isn't the way, but why not? If you're going to spend so much of your time and energy with someone you have to want to be with them at all times. For me we've had this before we went out so things only got better. Some may say how do you spend so much time with her and not get bored, how do you talk to her on the phone for hours and hours? I hear these questions and they say it as if its crazy but honestly....I don't want to come off the wrong way but I'm sure most girls wish they had someone to do the same with, because they probably deserve it, you just got to stop lowering your standards.We exist.
Point of this whole thing is that theres a whole lot of girls out there that deal with things they really shouldn't be dealing with, the worst is when you start settling. Never settle. Love is perfection.
512(: Two years, always strong.
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